Christian Education

 Adult and Children's Sunday School 
Sunday School takes place from 9:30 – 10:15 each Sunday during the "school year."   Fall classes will resume September 8, 2024 .
Sermon Time Childcare for ages 0-5th grade is available (except on the first Sunday of each month which is a Family Service) with play, snack and teaching for those who wish to leave the sanctuary during the sermon.   We also welcome children of all ages to remain in the service with parents throughout the worship and sermon time.

Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School meets on Sunday morning in the main sanctuary from 9:30-10:15AM.  The Bible is the world-wide, best-selling book of all time since the invention of the printing press, but can be challenging to read, understand, apply, and even explain.  For 2024-2025 fall and winter we will be reading and discussing Robert Plummer’s book 40 Questions About Interpreting the Bible.  We invite anyone who would like to read and discuss this book to join us; visitors are always welcome.

Unless otherwise indicated in class or via the Rivanna Review, we will plan to discuss two questions per class week.  This Sunday, September 8, we will be discussing Questions 1: What is the Bible? & 2: How Is the Bible Organized?.  If this is your first Sunday joining our Sunday school class, it's helpful to read these sections prior to coming to the class discussion, but it's not mandatory.      

Children's Ministries 

The goal of our children’s ministry is to partner with parents to lay a firm foundation of Bible truths that will enable this next generation of believers to navigate their lives being in this world but not of this world.  Each lesson begins with worship and prayer, we read the Bible together and learn to act and step according to His word. Lessons include foundational Bible teaching reinforced by acting out stories, arts and crafts activities with a healthy dose of laughter and play each week.  We seek to foster fellowship among the students so that Sunday School is a delight to be enjoyed rather than a chore to me endured.  Our teachers and helpers love caring for your children and most come with twenty or more years of Sunday School teaching experience. Teaching children is a privilege, and we look forward to engaging with families to support their efforts to raise godly children who love and serve our Lord Jesus Christ.

For more information about Rivanna's Sunday school program, please contact the office at 434-975-0011 or at